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Ppilgrim's Reviews

  • Verified Buyer

    It Should be White (21 February 2023)

    Hey Prima! I double-dog dare you to post a time-lapse video of how long it takes to prime and paint one of these suckers. Then I want you to take that into account before you go making more albums covered in "grocery bag" paper. Make 'em white, please. Ain't nobody got time for this paintin' stuff. :-)

  • Verified Buyer

    Very Pretty Prima Kit (26 January 2023)

    This new Prima collection is gorgeous -- I just wish there was more of it in the kit. As for substitute flowers, I ordered a few more pink ones yesterday just to make sure I had enough. (Frank goes nanners with the flowers sometimes :-). Can't wait for the class to start, despite the sinking feeling that we'll be painting at least part of that album. Paint and I aren't very compatible.

  • Verified Buyer

    Beautiful stuff (25 August 2021)

    It's been some time since I've opened a package a found a product "too pretty to use" but this definitely qualifies. Prima's still bringing the magic.

  • Kids that look lke the kids I scrapbook (08 March 2020)

    I've given other companies a hard time for their white-kids-only products to it's only fair to give Simple Stories some respect for including all kinds of kids in this collection. There are white kids in my family but there are also mixed-race kids and I think that the products I use to scrapbook their photos should reflect diversity. Besides, I'm Canadian and we're serious about diversity up here ;-)

  • Verified Buyer

    If I had to save just one stamp from a house fire . . . (21 February 2020)

    . . . it would be this one. I'm so glad that HA have re-released it because it's my all-time favourite background stamp. I've had mine for years, and it looks as well-loved as it is, but I won't replace it with a new one. I'm just glad that other stampers can now add it to their collection.

  • Verified Buyer

    'Bout time eh. (17 October 2019)

    I've been a dog mom for over 20 years and this is the first stamp set I've seen that includes the words "dog mom" and DOESN'T include the phrase "MAN'S best friend." Respect to Momenta.

  • Verified Buyer

    Great papers and great value (17 October 2019)

    I don't usually purchase paper pads and, when I do, I share them with a friend. Not this time :-) I LOVE this collection and not just because it's super cute (which it totally is) but because of the quality of the product. This stuff's proper double-sided cardstock, not flimsy paper that you can almost see through. The glitter sheets are gorgeous and the glitter doesn't rub off, nor does it smell funny. Yep, I'm keepin' the entire pad just for me ;-)

  • Verified Buyer

    I love these kits! (16 August 2018)

    Tonic Inspiration Guide kits are the best value for money anywhere. The dies, stamps and embossing folders are great quality, the papers are lovely (and different, which is nice) and the magazine is always a treat to flip through.

    I've just ordered this one but I'm basing my rating and review on previous sets from this series. I mean, how cute is that Christmas cracker die?! Can't wait to get my inky little paws on it.

  • ooooh, those colours! (31 July 2018)

    I've always been a fan of autumn colours and this collections really caught my eye. The oranges and yellows are lovely, of course, but the candy apple red and light aqua are what sold me on it.

  • Verified Buyer

    A Card-makers Delight (27 June 2018)

    This is high-quality patterned cardstock with lots of patterns and cut-apparts to choose from. The colours are delicious and the motifs are delightful.

  • Verified Buyer

    Just what I was looking for! (14 June 2018)

    I recently found a crafting book at the thrift store called "Teeny Tiny Cards," which is full of great ideas for tiny projects like cards, tags, ATCs etc. The author recommends finding papers with patterns sized for smaller applications and these little beauties are just perfect. The fact that they're designed by Paige Evans is just the icing on the cake.

  • Donna's right: they're papers aren't what they used to be. (05 June 2018)

    The designs are still wonderful but the paper itself is flimsy. I received a couple of sheets from this collection in a kit recently and was dismayed by how thin they were, particularly when compared with Kaiser papers from last year.

    Kaisercraft have released an unprecedented number of collections already this year (which isn't even half over) and they all look beautiful -- too bad they're not worth the cost anymore. This is definitely a case where "more is less" and I would hope they reconsider their new marketing strategy in favour of a return to high-quality products.

  • Verified Buyer

    Big disappointment (09 May 2018)

    These would be lovely if they would peel off the roll properly. As it is, they're all fused together and are useless.

  • Verified Buyer

    49 and Market "paper" is much more than just paper (13 April 2018)

    It's the heaviest patterned cardstock I've ever purchased. The surfaces is smooth and perfect for paint, glitter glue, texture paste and other media. That said, however, it's difficult to decide which part of the gorgeous pattern to cover with such things.

  • Verified Buyer

    I love my Junior (17 March 2018)

    Full confession, I didn't buy mine from here: I didn't think would be carrying the product because they carry many competitors' machines. I bought mine directly from the manufacturer, just before Christmas, and have really enjoyed using it.

    It's really powerful: with the right dies (steel ruled) you can cut almost anything. It also does a beautiful job with 3D embossing folders AND it will cut with even the most annoying thin metal dies. I had a couple of intricate dies that I was about to pitch in the trash before I got this thing: they work just fine with the Gemini and the right "sandwich."

    I didn't go for the larger machine because of space considerations but, if it works as well as the Junior (which I'm sure it does) I'd recommend that size for folks who want to go bigger with their die-cutting and embossing.

  • Verified Buyer

    Coolest Thing Ever (15 March 2018)

    What a great notion to combine the patterned paper, the stickers and the specialty cardstock all in one pad! This is the best Shimelle collection ever and the way it's being marketed is genius. ALL the stuff is fun (I love the 6X8 Writing Pad too) but the Project Pad is my fave.

    Caveat (minor deal, imo): The papers in the pad are hefty but they're single-sided. That's fine with me but it's something to be aware of.

  • Verified Buyer

    Excellent Value (15 November 2017)

    The description of this kit says that there are "17 patterned papers" but that's selling it short. There are patterned papers from the "Carnival" collection but there's also a whack of Double Dot cardstock in fun summer colours. Although this particular collection isn't my favourite, the papers and ephemera in the kit are nice and pretty versatile. When you add the chipboard pack, the ribbon, the bling AND the glitter paste, this is a darned good deal folks.

  • I GOT my own (13 September 2017)

    I won it in a Sizzix sponsored challenge on this site. Needles to say, I LOVE it!
    Thanks Sizzix :-)

  • Verified Buyer

    mM new favourite! (05 September 2017)

    These are wonderful stamps and they're a perfect match for Distress Oxide Inks. I'm using them in a September journaling project that I do every year and I love being able to use them every day. They're well made and easy to clean.

  • Verified Buyer

    Coolest pet collection since Max and Whiskers. (13 April 2017)

    Although the text elements in the line are pretty much the same old same old, the patterns and images are refreshingly different. The colour scheme is well-suited to photos of dogs but it's not boring and the small red accents really pop. Nicely done, KaiserCraft.

  • Verified Buyer

    contents not as shown (13 April 2017)

    The photo shows two heart-shaped charms with paw prints, in the top left compartment, but these items are not in the embellishment kit I've just received.

    Nor, for that matter, are the cream coloured felt hearts shown in the bottom compartment. Everything else is there, including a pitifully short bit of ribbon, but I particularly wanted the charms.

    I won't be ordering any more Lilac Lane embellishment kits, unless I know I'll be getting EXACTLY what's in the photo on the site.

  • Verified Buyer

    Beautiful paper but not as hefty as I hoped it would be (05 November 2016)

    First of all, this stuff is gorgeous. It's a really lovely kit and my only quibble with it is that the paper is described as being "cardstock." Yes, it's heavier than most patterned papers but it's not as thick as Carta Bella or Authentique papers are: they are definitely cardstock weight -- this isn't.

  • Verified Buyer

    Useful font and good quality dies (10 April 2016)

    While I agree that the little sharp bits of metal left when the dies are separated can be a pain (sometimes literally) it's a problem common to most die sets that have lots of small pieces, no matter who makes them. These are wonderful dies, which cut well and are easy to remove from the paper: I'd recommend them to cardmakers and scrapbookers alike.

  • Verified Buyer

    Cuts like butter & comes off the cardstock without a fight (10 April 2016)

    I really like this die: it's easy to use and works well in my Cuttlebug.

  • Verified Buyer

    Great punch -- horrible packaging (07 January 2016)

    I like the design of these Sizzix punches: they're smaller than other "large" punches but sturdy and easy to use. I've punched through some very thick cardstock with this one and have had no difficulties with it.

    As for the packaging, I don't know what they were thinking when they went for the super-thick plastic and a clam-shell pack that can't be opened without heavy duty scissors. Anyway, if you buy one of these punches, just mind you don't cut yourself on the sharp edges of the plastic while you're trying to wrest the punch from from the packaging.

  • Verified Buyer

    So far, so good. (17 December 2015)

    I received my little trimmer in the mail last week and took it to a card class on Monday. It worked like a charm and I must say, I'm very pleased with it. Only time will tell if the blade truly is "self-sharpening," though. If it's still cutting like a dream by this time next year, I might add an extra star to my rating.

  • Verified Buyer

    A card-maker's dream come true :-) (13 May 2015)

    I have a Silhouette Portrait, so I don't buy a lot of cutting dies these days; however, I had to have this set as soon as I saw it. I'm a card-maker and this little beauty has every shape you'd ever want for spring and summer cards. It's also going to be perfect for embellishing my Project Life pages AND for my new passion -- Artist Trading Cards.

  • Verified Buyer

    abolutely besotted with this whole line (19 April 2015)

    I LOVE these papers (I have both sizes) and the only problem I have is making myself use them 'cause they're so pretty. I like the "odd" size of this particular paper pad because it's perfect for cutting into Project-Life-sized bits. I waited a long time to get my hands on this paper and it was so worth it.

  • Verified Buyer

    Obviously, I loved it! (11 February 2015)

    First of all, the kit is excellent value for money, but it's also great fun to put together. I learned a couple of new tricks for making pocket pages more interesting and thoroughly enjoyed working with the products from the gorgeous "Star Crossed" life from Bo Bunny. The instructions, from the Projects page of the Bo Bunny web site, are fully-illustrated and easy to follow.

  • Verified Buyer

    Lovely Christmas kit! (19 December 2014)

    And GREAT value for money. I've already used half the papers for various holiday projects and the embellishments are going on my December Daily pages. The Prima flowers will grace the tops of little gift boxes and I'm holding on to my Wink of Stella brush pen, for when my current pen runs dry (which won't be long, at the rate I'm going). I'm very pleased with this purchase.