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This card was part of my prep, using some 'waste' elements I didn't need for another project. I love when dies are created that you can use both the positive and negative elements from. I actually used the 'negative' of the blue diecut on the other project I made, this card resulted from the 'left-overs' which I absolutely love. This card was not planned at all, it sort of just evolved! I wanted the blue background for my other make, so when I wound up with blue flowers, I was a bit like 'huh, what'll I do with these?' I never intended to use the blue mica stained panel this way, but thought it'd be fun to turn these pretty blue flowers into a shaker card. So I tried the panel over white cardstock and was pretty unimpressed. It lacked that little 'je ne sais quoi'. So I pulled out some Distress Oxide inks and decided to go for an Autumnal toned background. No particular reason why, except I love Autumn colours. I'm trying to recall which Distress Mica Spray Stains I used for the coneflowers. I'm pretty sure it was Winter Frost and Phantom Mist. The panel is very shiny and sparkly in good light. Once I'd pulled the mint tape off and tried the coneflower panel over top, I realised a little magic had happened. I pulled out some neutral shaker elements. I took some time to seperate some more neutral sequins from a This Calls For Confetti Mix, as the rest of the mix was too colourful, but the neutral sequins in it were absolutely perfect! I added some clear seed beads to that mix of neutral sequins and found the perfect balance for this card. I finished off the design by laying a Thank You Word Die cut from rose gold metallic matt cardstock across the panel where it would best adhere to the coneflowers. I added the shaker panel to a Gina K Mini Slimline Panel and paired it with one of her Mini Slimline Envelopes. I wasn't sure about this creation at all when I started with the blue coneflower panel and it's turned into one of my favourite makes this month. I love it when a crafty adventure plays out that way!
